Customer Feedback
Our customers are amazing... PERIOD! I (Mike) regularly receive feedback from customers on how the traps they purchase from the site are working for them. I absolutely love getting these emails/voicemails/pictures as I take pride in the traps I build and send out. Getting feedback from happy customers means they are happy with my products, and even more importantly, they are having successful fishing trips due to the bait they're able to catch. It's a win - win for sure!
Check out just a small portion of the feedback that customers have sent to me recently:
I purchased my coated Z trap and received it this past Monday, 4/5/21. I was a little skeptical about how good it would work with no bait present. I set it out twice in a couple different ponds over night. Both times I checked it there were about 25-30 bream in it along with some crawfish and bullheads. This thing works great and as advertised, no bait needed. Thanks for a great product.
- Ronnie S.
Mike. Thanks for your work with the bait basket. I have 14 different baskets and yours is the best by far. Thanks.
- Jimmy S.
- Curtis H.
Mike and crew, received your z traps a few weeks ago. Our creek chub supply was just about run out, bait shops are charging $18. per dozen, too high when you've got a supply for free, if you can figure a way to catch them. We live in Iowa, ponds, lakes, rivers, and creeks frozen tight, with over 30 inches of ice on beaver ponds, the only place with enough water to hold fish, with the drought we are in. Found a bridge with a beaver dam, downstream 30 yards, with good depth. Power augered enough holes to fit your trap in, water is 6 feet deep. Also, put in 2 of the cheap round ones beside your Z traps, baited with bread. Have pulled 9 dozen chubs out in 2 days, more than enough to fill our needs for the rest of the winter. The 2 cheap round ones are absolutely empty. Also, a non-target mink found it's way into your trap.
Thanks a million, traps will pay for themselves in short order.
- Rod

I live on beautiful Lake Rousseau in north Florida. I am now 83 and finally a little to old to continue boating so I fish from our 30' pier in the lake. We catch Grinnels to 40", Catfish to 20 lbs and several kinds of Gar incl. Alligator Gar. My favorite bait are Bream and I go through them pretty fast. I have used about every kind of trap with different success. About a year ago I bought one of your large Z traps From the first time I used it up to now, it has proved itself to be far better than any of my others. Baited with dog kibble, it will produce overnight some 25 to 50 Bream every time. This is a wonderful trap, you can't do better. Worth every penny.
- George N.
- Bryan S.
Got the basket in just as promised. Put it together with the generous supply of fasteners and the basket was great. Very sturdy after the fasteners were installed and easy to use. Tied a rope to it and the boat and in the water it went. Great product, lots of positive comments from my friends on the dock. Hope to fill it up many times this summer. Thanks, I would highly recommend.
- Ron R.
I just set my new trap I got from you three weeks ago I set it out a week ago Monday in 3 foot of water in a pond just checked it today I had 30 perch three big bullfrog tadpoles and one dead 6 foot snake . great trap
- Tim W.
Last summer I purchased a bait keeper from you and the year before a fish keeper. We love the quality of your products. I need a minnow keeper. Do you make these?
- Donna B.
Voicemail Left By Customer:
Product: Fish Holding Pen
YouTube Comment:
Man I have built these traps, and it takes me 5 hours minimum!! That's why I buy mine from you guys now. After what it cost me to buy the supplies and materials, I really can't save much money anyway. It's just a way better deal! Y'all make the best traps I've ever used. ALMOST better than my Grandads old trap, ALMOST! :) :) :)
P.S.- To anybody else considering making one, do yourself a favor, and just order one. It's not much more money to buy it from the pro's and it's going to catch more fish/last longer. Plus if you make your own, I guarantee you will get cut up from the wire, spend a full day gathering supplies and building it, PLUS you're not going to save much money building it. I don't know about you, but I use traps to save time, so I can fish more! Let the Professionals do this. It's just not a good DIY project. Just my opinion after 30 years of fishing big catfish and using these traps.
- User - Michael J.
Mike, I got my trap today, I want to say that you do excellent work! I can't wait to try in out!
- Ron G.
We probably caught over 30 blue gill this past weekend. The first time we put it in the water at 430 AM and pulled it up at 930 and it already had 15+ blue gill in it. Couldn’t be happier man. Keep up the great work!!!
- Andrew P.
Man that trap is awesome! In less than an hour had over 20 bluegill. Amazing my friend.
- Spencer H.
Traps are working great man. I've probably saved us 100 bucks in bait costs since I got them with minimal effort and without having to go throw the cast net. Here is today's pull. Thanks.
- Chris W.
(part of an email conversation).... Here you go this was a 2 hr soak with fresh dead shrimp.
- Robert E.
This is on Fort Hood, TX in one of their many ponds. I got 25 really nice bluegills to go cat fishing. This trap is really awesome.
- Mark S.
YouTube Comment:
Good stuff man. I still love my 4 Leaf Clover trap. That thing catches about a hundred 2" - 3" sunfish in less that an hour for me lol. Perfect for live lining them for bass or hybrids and Catfish. That Z-Trap is sick to just catch big ones for the frying pan. Love it.
- User - Jurassicsushi
Voicemail Left By Customer
Product: Cloverleaf Trap
Mike, It's been over a year that i have had those peanut bunker bait pens. Not sure you remember, the 1/4" mesh galvanized ones. They are holding up very well in the saltwater environment. The hog rings do rust, but as they do, I just replace with black uv resistant ty wraps. I know you were a bit concerned how they would hold up. I say they are doing very well. Thanks for a great product!
- Jim F.